Monday 14 June 2010


Ok chums.. so, am home now, safe and sound - and getting my rewwwwwind blog on - meaning that I now have the chance to update you on what went down on the final day of the festival - Day Three at IOW!
You read about my morning - that was lovely stuff - I then went and hung out in the VIP area (oooo!) to watch Friendly Fires who were brilliant. Their lead singer dances like a very happy maniac and was pretty inspiring. Later on I took a walk back towards my friends and stumbled across the 'big purple bus' where loads of mad freestyle events were happening over the weekend. I arrived just in time to see a guy beatboxing with another guy rapping, a third playing guitar and a lady singing over the top - it was lovely!
I then met up with my pals and had a great wander around the festival site right up onto the hill above the mainstage. We soaked up the atmosphere, at some pies (as you must do at festivals) and enjoyed the sunshine. We then checked out Pink! and the other artists on the mainstage - was pretty amazing. After that was the incredible headline performance from Sir Paul McCartney. A mixture of his own solo material, group stuff and Beatles tunes - it was an epic set, and very moving too.
Phew - so there ya go! That was Sunday!

Katie x

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