Tuesday 18 May 2010


Hello everybody, welcome to the Trident Perpetual Festival blog!

My name is Katie P and I am your International Globetrotting Guide! For the next 30 weeks i'll be traveling to a different festival every week - and taking you with me!

Each week you can win tickets to come along with me - travel and festival tickets included! - and party around the world with some of the greatest music, parties and festival-goers in the world. Woo hoo!

If you don't win - don't fret. I'm going to be writing, photographing, videoing and updating you (Facebook and Twitter) on everything that's going on. From interviews with bands and DJs, to the mad antics of international festival goers, to bizarre challenges set by you, to photo diaries of the rowdy and colourful people I meet - it will feel like you're there too!

So, let's kick things off.

I popped into Paperchase last week to buy myself a travel diary - like a mini-physical-scrapbook of things that i pick up along the way - festival tickets, wristbands, postcards and drawings - and look what the screen said when I got to the counter!!

FATE I tell you!

Katie x