Saturday 25 September 2010

Sunset in Mallorca

I never tire of beautiful sunsets. Ahhhhhhhh.

Some thoughts

Here are some thoughts I've been having, please excuse my rambling:
Each of these new places I travel to seems more beautiful and incredible than the last, and it amazes me to think that there are people that get to see views like this every day. But then I've also realised that the people that do see this sort of thing all the time can forget it's amazing. I live in London and I forget there are bits that are lovely... But... Buttttt... Would I forget how beautiful this place is if I lived here? I've always been someone who adores light and colour and even just the sky here makes me so happy.. Hmm. Just rambling now. Hmm. Should I move to somewhere sunny when the 30 festivals are over? That's what I've been thinking.

Hello from Mallorca!

Cliff jumping in Mallorca...?

Well here is the cliff. And here is the view. I'm gonna try and jump off. Results on video to follow!

Hanging with my pal howie!

Friday 24 September 2010

On a boat on a boat!

So.. Have rather spontaneously decided to leave Ibiza... And get on a boat to Mallorca for a few days.. And then come back again. I think we forget as Europeans that everything is so close, and you can pop over to another place as easy as pie. Pie in this case being a giant boat. With a load of soldiers and small dogs on it - not sure there is a correlation between those two ;) See you on the other side!

Lovely lovely

Sure, Ibiza has a reputation for being a bit of a mental raving party island frequented by drunk rowdy foreigners.. But that really is only half the story. It's easy to forget that at the quieter moments and off-season this can be a tranquil and beautiful island with winding little White-painted spanish streets, delicious seafood, incredible views and friendly locals. Right now I'm down at the port and it's so calm and lovely :-)

Friday looks like this...

The sun is back out (after another day of rain yesterday) and the pool is heating up. The strange thing about this time of year in Ibiza is that everything is drawing to a finish. This means the Closing Parties are massive exciting farewells to the season, but also that the rest of the island seems somewhat deserted. I am the only person by the pool today. And the only other person I have seen is a waiter. Ghost town!

Silver Columns interview at Loopallu

The first band I saw at Loopallu festival in Ullapool were the entertaining Silver Columns. After their show, I tracked them down backstage - in a van - and had a little chat. Check it out below!

Thursday 23 September 2010

The A to Z of amazing Ibiza gifts...

There are some AMAZING Ibiza gifts on sale in Ibiza.. so many in fact that I've made a handy A to Z guide of the fun available. Proper classy. Check it out!

Elmo at the beach...

Ibiza isn't all about clubbing.. there's plenty of downtime too at beautiful beaches to... dress as Elmo and go for a swim ;)

James Mackenzie & the Aquascene

Hey all, just managed to upload this and get it up. I met the lovely James Mackenzie (& the Aquascene) at Loopallu in Scotland and had a wee chat with them about their performance and got them to teach me some Scottish too! Check it out.

Capoeira dancers in the street!

Ibiza video report

Check out these little snips of our evening out in Ibiza at Space. That club is honestly the biggest most insane place I have ever been to! The winners had an amazing time and stayed out dancing till at least 5am. Next week, more winners arrive for another closing party... phew! Amazing times hear in Ibiza!

Ibiza Carl Cox Closing Party - All the photos!

Check out some of the pics so far from this mad and wonderful adventure to Ibiza by clicking HERE!

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Wednesday night dinner venue



Having lunch in ibiza by the sea with my friend Tayo. He's brilliant and rather wonderful and seems to know everyone on this island. Good to have him around! Sorry that this photo is so basic that you can't see his face!

Lunch in Ibiza

Melon y jamon. Mmmmm

Roots manuva!

First stop.. Aura!

We have come to the middle of nowhere (well, it's dark) for a drink and a boogie at Aura. It's a gorgeous restaurant and bar.. And theres also an inside dance floor and mini stage where Roots Manuva is going to be playing tonight. Yeah!

Off out to party!

Phillipa, James and I are off out to party in Ibiza!

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Lovely Ibiza!

We have had a lovely day by the pool in ibiza and now it's time to go out! Here is the lovely view of our hotel :)

This week's winners...

Are the lovely Phillipa and James - a couple from London. If you fancy a free trip to an amazing international music event, do as they did - and enter your code from the pack of your pack of Trident gum onto the form on and keep your fingers crossed!

Week 17... In Ibiza!

Hello all.. I'm now onto week 17 of the Trident Perpetual Festival and I'm in Ibiza! This week's winners and myself will be going to the Carl Cox closing party at Space tonight and it's going to be amazing! The sun is shining, we're lying on the beach - and we're preparing for a long day/night on the party island. Woo!

Loopallu - the video report!

Check out my video report of the daft goings-on at Loopallu Festival in Scotland!

Monday 20 September 2010

Trident Perpetual Question at Loopallu

The fans at Loopallu Festival 2010 in Ullapool Scotland take part in our running perpetual question :)

Loopallu - all the photos!

Check out all the fun snaps from the Loopallu Festival in Scotland over HERE!

Sunday 19 September 2010

Goodbye Scotland!

Week 16 of the Trident Perpetual Festival at Loopallu in Ullapool has been brilliant. The only bad thing really is that the festival only lasts two days. Yes, it bucketed down with rain the whole time and yes it was freezing cold and muddy - but the people of Scotland made the whole adventure brilliant. Ullapool is usually home to just 1,200 people, and the villagers really make the 2000 extra inhabitants feel welcome and looked after in their brief festival stay. There's a bookshop and a pharmacy and a supermarket, postoffice and police station - and that's all anyone really needs. We even spotted people projecting films onto a wall of a house yesterday as a makeshift cinema. In terms of a setting, it's right up there with Croatia as one of the most beautiful settings I have ever seen for a festival. Musically it was grand too - though myself and my pal Pete ended up most enjoying the local covers-bands that got people dancing between sets in the bar tent. We had some fun singing along last night to some Status Quo classics. Now it's 10am and we've driven back to Inverness for our flight to London, where I then go right onto Ibiza. This is Pete having an airport nap. See you soon readers!
Katie x