Monday 14 June 2010


Oh my god. The worst part of a festival is undoubtedly leaving. Not just the 'emotional' strain of leaving behind a weekend of fun... But the slug of actually trying to quit the place where you are and get home!

It's 9.30am here at the IOW. I had packed up my tent by 8am (camped next to the bus queue) and have just got on a bus! The bus will then travel to the water's edge where there will be another queue for the ferry, which will then get to a train station for another queue! Mad times. However, by the time I get home (will insert actual home time in here readers! - UPDATE: 1pm) hopefully the happy memories of the weekend will not be over shadowed by the mission of returning to (brief normality).
Ya see.. the festival fun continues!
I'm off to Wales in the morning to go to Beach Break Live! Just enough time to have a shower (it's been since thursday!) and throw some stuff in the washing machine, air the tent (was wet with rain when I packed it up) and then catch some duvet time before going back out again in the morning :)
I'll see you on the flip side (?!)
Katie xx

- Posted by Katie P

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