Saturday 29 May 2010




Howdy doodys.. it's about 10am here in Ibiza on Saturday.. and I finally have the chance to update you properly on yesterday's goings-on at IMS!

In the morning we all went along to the IMS 'lectures' at the Gran Hotel - Kyle, Aaron myself and our new international buddies - and watched some people talking about various electronic music topics, all aimed to advance the scene. There was a chat from two guys about their PR company and how they aim to integrate great music into marketing campaigns, a very suave chap talked about his chain of music-related hotels, the people at Pioneer demonstrated their new DJ mixers and panelists debated important issues to do with labels and music rights. It might sound a bit techy and geeky to some - but it was all very interesting - and was topped off by a cool interview with Mark Ronson conducted by Mr DJ legend Pete Tong. Mark played a new track - Bang Bang Bang - from his upcoming new album and talked about the various different artists he has guesting on the release as well as his history in the DJ and producing scenes. The tune is great - and we had a chance to hear it again in an amazing setting later on as we all headed up onto the fort/castle - a heritige site here in Ibiza - for the IMS Grand Finale Festival.

As you saw from the video earlier this week - the festival as in the most incredible setting for any music event.. ever! Around 2000 people gathered up on the fort, with the breeze from the sea blowing across the crowd as we watched the sun set and the stage light up with lasers and colourful screens for the evening's partying.

First up was Skream - a pretty cool bunch of tunes, warming people up for the night. There was everyone from hardcore ravers to 5-year-old kids dancing on the gravel as the sun started to go down over the horizon. Next up was David E Sugar - a guy singing live with his band, kinda electro meets heavy bass indie - pretty cool and different. After that was Mr Pete Tong - a classic dance set with people reaching for the lights, hands aloft, bouncing in the dirt. Then Mr Ronson took to the decks - and it was amazing! He played everything from his own tunes, to Aretha Franklin, Michael Jackson, Snoop Dogg, Amy Winehouse, Jay Z, Missy E, 70s disco, 80s pop, Britney Spears and so much more. Everyone was dancing like mad - throwing all kinds of crazy moves, wiggling their hips, grinning from ear to ear. After that Sasha was up - a more beat heavy techo set - and after a bit we decided to walk down the hill to head over to Pacha - the legendary Ibiza night spot. Check out the video here:

This club is the most insanely glamourous mad place - loads of levels, plush decor, white seating areas, massive sound system - and was packed to pop with thousands of island revellers getting ready for the official start of the summer season tonight.
It was very loud, very fun and.... very expensive. EEK! But good times.. and we headed back to our hotel very late/early.
Now I am feeling excited and good today about another day on the Island - it's lovely and sunny - and we're going to head over to San Antonio later to explore the surroundings.

Love this place. Love this festival. Happy Katie.


Friday 28 May 2010



Hey all
it's Friday morning here in Ibiza - and I am sat in the IMS lecture hall - hacking into their wifi so I can update you on the latest goings-on here on the party island. Since my last blog, lots of fun things have been going on.
Last night, after a brief stop-back at the hotel, Kyle and Aaron went out for some food and drink in Ibiza town and had a wander right round the port and checked out some of the local shops.
Meanwhile, I did some work before heading out for dinner with my new pal Jenn - who I met here at the IMS. We walked along the beach to find a little restaurant in the sand - with a table and chairs underneath a palm tree. It was honestly the most incredible setting I have ever had dinner in my life. The beach was deserted and the sand was warm and the moon was reflected down onto the sea. The palm tree was wrapped in blue lights and the food was amazing. If I sound a bit crazy excited about this - it's because it was completely stunning. After some food - some of our other new friends joined us for a catch-up sitting on the beach. After about 30 minutes, we went up to the bar and bumped into... MARK RONSON! The man, the legend, the snappy dressing - the dude is a legend. So I went and said hi..
"Hello Mark, my name is Katie, just thought I would say hello!" He was very friendly and quite shy - and we ended up chatting about rock music (he loves heavy metal and has a photo of him and Slash on his phone) and we had a little chinwag about the IMS - getting ready for his speech and performance later today. What a nice guy! By this point, it was about 2am, and we figured it was time to get some sleep before the massive party night tonight.. It was lovely end to a great day here in Ibiza.
Check the photo! I look warm.. and a bit excited.. and he looks smooth!

Thursday 27 May 2010


Hey, so - Facebook set me a challenge this week... and I have kind of already failed. How terrible is that? But there is a good reason! I was meant to get a photo with a member of my airline staff holding some Trident Gum... but when I asked them, they said they weren't allowed to be pictured 'with product' (?!). So instead.. I have attempted to rectify this failure with the two below pictures (that's Tiffany)... am i forgiven?


Ahoy there from Ibiza IMS day two. I have been in lectures all morning listening to some very interesting speakers talk about everything from new social networking music sharing sites, to music colleges and production ideas.
I've been sitting with some of my new buddies from last night including a lovely girl from Glasgow called Jenn.
Just before lunch we were treated to a live interview with famed DJ and producer David Guetta. He's a very entertaining speaker and had some really cool insights into trying to bring European dance music to American audiences and how his work with the black eyed peas has helped this.
My experience in music has always been very rock based - so its great to be able to hear people like him speak about his side of the industry and for me to realise that all music has the same drive, issues and ideals - make amazing tunes and keep listeners happy! Check out this video from the day so far below:

Right now I am at a meeting with Wrangler jeans who have really kindly given me some jeans and a shirt to help keep me clean :)
Day going well all in all.
Kyle and Aaron are soaking up the sun by the pool!
More updates soon
Katie x

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Comp winner Aaron and myself in Ibiza!


Hello Blog readers! Katie here in Ibiza.. it's day two, morning here on the sunny island, so i thought i would use this as a chance to talk about yesterday's experiences here at IMS.

In the morning I went off to the airport to meet winner Kyle and his friend Aaron. They are both from Burnley - up near Manchester - and are lovely guys. They work as engineers making parts for planes - which is very responsible and facinating to hear about.

We came back to the hotel, dropped of their bags and headed straight out on a local bus to Ibiza town to check out the surroundings. It's really very quaint and beautiful here and the harbour area where we had some breakfast was bathed in sunshine and gorgeously warm! As soon as we were fed, we headed up to the Gran Hotel where the IMS is being held. OH MY GAWD. This hotel is 5* and the most incredible building i have ever set foot in. As Aaron rightly called it - a 'pimp's palace'. Amazing architecture, marble floors, bright blue pool, sun loungers - and a whole summit load of cool people hanging out and learning about the future of electronic music. The lectures take place in a huge room near the pool, and every few hours there is a break for food and drink. We watched a bit before heading outside and having some yummy food.

In the afternoon, we decided to take a wander up to the castle area on the waterfront where the Friday night IMS party is taking place. Stunning views across the island - and we shot a little video up there which you can see soon.

By this point we were a little weak and warm, so went back to our hotel to get changed before going back to IMS and throwing ourselves whole-heartedly into the networking experience. We started chatting to a French chap called Gerald - and met all of his new friends from all over the world (Germany, Holland, South Africa, Scotland, Liverpool, Dubai and more!). We all got on so well, that we decided to go for a late night pizza dinner in town - 12 of us! - and then onto a bar called Grial. Chatting and laughing and getting to know so many new international friends was great - and I know that Aaron and Kyle were both really surprised how much we all had in common.

Anyways - we got back VERY late/VERY early - and are now awake and alive and ready for another day in Ibiza. Good times. Great times.. Check out the videos from the day below:

IMS day two - here we come!

Katie x

Tuesday 25 May 2010



Hello blog readers! And a very happy Wednesday to you from the sunny shores of ibiza!

I arrived late last night, checked into the hotel an immediately went to go chat to some local people to see what's what in this mad town.

My first new buddies took the form of Valentina, Alesandro and Luciana - the 3 italian dancers employed by the hotel to entertain the guests. Once their shift had finished we three had a good multiple-lingual chat (part Italian part Spanish part English) about what we all did and why we were there. Turns out they're all going to some of the clubs later in the week - so we'll see them on the dance floor.

Oh... As for my first challenge... More info and pics on that one coming up soon...

I'm going to go eat some breakfast, go and meet this weeks winners at the airport and get ready for a sunny day ahead.

Katie x

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So here we go! Just a few hours now before I head off to Ibiza.
I just spoke to this week's competiton winner Kyle and he seems ready and excited to head off on his festival party experience!
I'm all packed and ready to go... So will update you all on our progress soon!
Katie x

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Monday 24 May 2010


For the past few weeks I have been manically preparing for my upcoming mammoth adventure by contacting a load of companies and asking them if they would like to contribute any items towards my trip.

Seeing as I am going to be going to lots of different festivals, in different countries, in different climates, for different amount of times - I knew that my packing list would be very varied and massive.

Thankfully - some really great companies have donated some goodies to my trip and I want to use this as a chance to say a huge THANK YOU to all of them!

Big love goes out (in no particular order) to: Eco Boutique clothing, One Stop Festival, Reebok trainers, Helly Hansen jackets, Sharpies marker pens, Canon cameras, Vans shoes and clothing, Eastpak bags and Hunter Boots!

Here is a little video of me putting up my One Stop Festival tent - while wearing my jacket and wellies! Looking warm!


You on Facebook? Yeah, thought so. Most people are. Including me and my Trident updates!

CLICK HERE to join the Trident group on Facebook and keep up to date with everything that's going on during the Perpetual Festival experience!

You'll also have the chance to set me weekly challenges of fun/strange things to do at the festivals. Scary stuff!

Katie x


Hello all.
so, i'll be leaving for the first of 30 festivals - Ibiza IMS - tomorrow afternoon. WOOO! (Sorry, excited outburst there). I was trying to work out what to pack over the weekend... and decided to enlist the help of my friends and followers on Twitter to give me some ideas.
Thank you VERY much to everyone who replied - you gave me some great tips, and I believe that the little KP Eastpak suitcase might well be ready to roll!

See your suggestions below (click on image to see larger):

Katie x