Saturday, 6 November 2010

Chichén Itzá ruins

Today I went on a trip to check out the the Chichén Itzá Mayan ruins in Mexico. The Maya civilzation inhabited Mexico many, many moons ago - but there are still Maya people living in the country today, with their own language and culture still thriving. The original Maya people built incredible buildings, had their own calendar, an astounding grasp on astronomy - and generally were centuries ahead of their time and European counterparts. In around 1840, some European/American explorers 'discovered' hundreds of abandoned Mayan buildings across this area of Mexico, that were buried under jungle and foliage.
The Chichén Itzá ruins are some of the most famous of these - having been restored by archiologists and open to the public for viewing. Years ago, people were able to go inside the buildings and see the colourful wall painting (bear in mind, all the buildings were once painted in bright reds and oranges and whites) - but due to human damage and thieving, you are now (still impressively) able to just walk around the structures. I don't really have time here for a full History lesson - but have a read-up. They were - and are - and incredible set of people.

Check out some photos from my trip:

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