Saturday 23 October 2010

New york cooking

On the way to the airport this morning, my cab driver was chatting to me all about his life and loves. Let's start with the fact he loves heavy metal, and is the president of a biker gang... And goes by the name The Regulator. What a winner. Now let's add in the fact the guy is a keen cook, and thinks I should go visit Southern USA for some proper "rich" food. He chatted to me all about the etiquette of cooking and particular food ideas and expectations. And then passed on this; his own recipe for Corn bread.

Regulator Bread

Get some: Cornmeal, Baking powder and Rectangular baking tin.
Take the Cornmeal and mix in two table spoons of flour, baking soda, pinch of salt, tablespoon of sugar, one egg and then mix with milk and stir till "not gloopy". Grease your pan till hot and bubbling and then pour grease into your mixture, stir well, then pour into pan. Stick it in the oven and bake till edges brown or till cooked through (test with a knife). Use oven at 350 for 12 to 15 minutes. For a twist, you can also put in vanilla or cinnamon. Tasty.

Thanks Regulator!

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