Saturday 23 October 2010

Last nights CMJ mission...

Oh Lordy.. There's something I didnt tell you last night. On arriving at the venue (Crash Mansion on Bowery, see map) I found I has lost my drivers licence. Not a prob you'd think, as I look way over 21 years old, but law here stipulates that everyone must have ID if going into a place that serves booze. I can't even drink right now (antibiotics) but they still wouldn't let me in. I had to travel back to the hotel at the other end of town, travel back down to the venue downtown in just 30 mins before the band came on. Needless to say, I missed a few songs and was f-ing and blinding and super stressed rushing across the city - but it was totally worth it, and to be able to hear familiar songs and see familiar faces after having been back and forth travelling since May, was wonderful. Phew.

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