Sunday 11 July 2010

The evening ends...

Go Spain! Not that I really knew what was going on. I was sat on the floor with my view obscured by a large pine tree. However, people seemed to be cheered by the result (aided perhaps by the bar nearby) and post-match everyone headed to the dance floor for a boogie to Hercules And Love Affair. Lots of clapping and bum wiggling (professional review there). I was most pleased to see a man watching the stage while stood knee-deep in a small swimming pool of water. Good lad. When in Rome!?
I decided to walk back to the hotel once they were done and get some kip before tomorrows flight home.
Should have brought a torch as negotiating the Croatian coastline using an iPhone to guide your way is pretty daft.
Headtorch next time!
See you in London amigos

- Posted by Katie P

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