Saturday 26 June 2010

Turkey day two

Hello all.. Time to update you on our trip to Turkey - day two. Its been a blissfully sunny day here in Istanbul and we've divided our time as a group between exploring the city and rocking out at the venue. A perfect Saturday basically.
I went off to the venue as doors opened and went and had a chat to my new pal Tom who works on the Sonisphere websites. We then went and chatted to Volbeat in the backstage area before getting a call about a homegrown metal artist called Hayko Cepkin. He is a bit of a legend here in Turkey and is known for his mad shows and creative costumery.
I was lucky to get some time with him and did a quick interview with him - half through a translator. Bit difficult to do but he was very nice and gracious and I'll show you pics and photos of him soon. Apparently he once spent a whole tour appearing on stage in an alien egg which he broke through to be "reborn".

After that international chat, I tried to get down into the main section of the arena but was having such odd difficultly with passes and wristbands and the like that i ended up getting accidentally escorted onto the main stage (?!) and had to climb off it and under some scaffolding to rock safety. I then wandered about the arena - checking out the performances and all the stalls on offer. Found myself sat on the floor drawing on a cotton bag for Converse project and then whooping along to some Turkish kids doing Metallica karaoke. Awesome. This festival is super metal - of course - and all the fans are really passionate and dedicated. Am going to try and interview some soon - but currently having some language barrier issues. Guess I should have learnt the Turkish for "scream for as long as you can!" before I arrived :)
Catch you soon

Katie x

- Posted by Katie P


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