Friday 26 November 2010

Sydney Sun

Australia may not be the hottest country that I have visited on this amazing job - but it is the most dangerous, weather wise. The barometer may only read 27 - whereas Thailand was always in the 30s - but there is actually a hole in the Ozone layer over parts of Australia, meaning the sun is at its most damaging and strong in this country. In just 5 minutes, your skin can burn, and many people here have forms of skin cancer. There has even been a government campaign in the last few years called Slip, Slop, Slap - where they encourage people to slip on a t-shirt, slop on some sunscream and slap on a hat to protect themselves. i've been bathing in factor 30 each morning - but another must-wear is a HAT. They are for sale in all aussie shops - and a must-wear to give that little bit of extra shade from the harmful rays.

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