Sunday 8 August 2010

Standon calling day two

Morning! Tent update! Yesterday was a good day here at standon. After I woke I put on my fancy dress (see drawing below) and had a wander about the site. There were some amazing outfits on display. A huge amount of prisoners. A bucket load of CSI investigators. Loads of cool Cluedo characters. Some people in a plane. Some children dressed as old men and much much more! I took plenty of picture on my camera so will upload them all on my return to civilisation. (very hot in this tent right now). Musically it was a super day too. Saw an incredible swing band, some amazing jazz singing, some dirty dance beats... and The Magic Numbers! They were brilliant and everyone knew the words and danced and sang along. I managed to watch from behind the stage at it was an awesome spectacle. Happy days.

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