Sunday 4 July 2010

Wakestock day three

Morning y'all. 7.50 am here in wales and I have managed to get up, pack up the tent and leg it to the queue to get a bus to Bangor - come on!! As I have said before, worst bit of festivals is the to-and-from - and once you're there you have an awesome time. Well, in an attempt to combat this - I've started trying to have an early last night and an early rise the next day. Worth it for the shorter home queues in the morning! (not very punk rock but nevertheless)

Yesterday was totally weird. I wrote about how horribly windy and wet it was - terrifying gusts that saw someones tent actually blow over the top of a fence and rubbish flying up in the air - very wizard of Oz. Got a text from work saying they thought I should tie myself down to a peg so I didn't blow away! I opted instead for making binliner fashion items for the people working on the site - and eating so much mashed potato that I safely doubled my bodyweight and prevented being dragged off into the air.

By lunchtime id exhausted the entertainment possibilities of a black bag (though am thinking of writing a manual of customising tips) as decided to... Go to the beach! Haha. So armed with anoraks and binliners, me and the winners headed to the local beach to eat pasties and drink tea and - as if thanked for our determination to remain positive and outdoors - the sun came out! And it got HOT! Yeyyy! (quick removal of bag fashion and back to tshirt)

The day then progressed with sunny interviews with Huw Stephens and The King Blues - great live performances from The Futureheads, the KB, Frankie and the Heartstrings and more - and ice cream and fun!

I took part in a bungee-cord relay race (as you do) and won a little hat. :) then won some coconut suncream from a duck on a stick (you know what I mean).
Plenty of sunshine, dancing like lunatics with winner Courteney (embarrassing video to come) and laughing with friends.
A beautiful sunset and lovely sunrise too.
All in all a mad and wonderful weekend..
Thank you Wales :)

Katie x

- Posted by Katie P


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