Saturday 31 July 2010

God's gift to festivals

Hand sanitizer is the best thing EVER. Yes, it's bad that as a nation we only really got to grips with the notion of being more hygienic once we were threatened with swine flu, but hooray - the disease brought us this!!
Widely used in hospitals the world over (I hope) and perfect for commuter-cleanliness - it is actually the festival community that has most (?!) benefited from the water-less antibacterial washing possibility.
As a festival goer, it is advisable to carry a little bottle with you for those moments where an exploding burger makes it's way onto your hands/arms... But more importantly, the infamous (see previous blog) field toilet experience is exponentially improved with the use of in-cubicle sanitizer dispensers. Hats-off to you Global Gathering! We may not have found any free drinking water or taps to wash at... But at least I won't be covered in someone else's yuck.

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