Wednesday 1 December 2010

Welcome to Melbourne!

Hello all! Week 28 has begun - and I am now in Melbourne for Stereosonic festival - and a general runaround in one of Australia's most awesome cities. Melbourne generally has a more 'artistic' and bohemian vibe compared to its compadres.. and I fully intend to explore all the wonderful sights, sounds, shops, seaside and stuff on offer over the next week or so!

We woke up this morning (myself and this week's winners) and it was RAINING. Hard. We decided to catch a free circular city tram to escape the wet and to get ourselves settled. Trams, buses and trains form the main transportation of Melbourne - and a zone one tram pass costs about $30.

After that, we were lucky enough to have a few hours of sunshine - so I went off to explore! Katie x

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