Thursday 14 October 2010

Arrived in Malawi!

Hoorary! After two flights and a four hour drive (through the most incredible landscape, mud-hut villages, past meandering cows and goats and in incredible heat) we arrived at our place of rest! It was an amazing journey, and we have already seen so many incredible eye-opening experiences, amazing people and moving vistas. I am joined this week by a new set of winners - brothers Cy and Nathan - and all seems to be going well!! We arrived at our hotel/rooms/huts around 5pm and we able to have a quick splash in the pool and walk along the edge of Lake Malawi before having a spot of dinner.. and passing out. I was asleep by 8pm (Lame Katie!) and slept right through till 7am (not surprisingly given the 4am wake-up call!). I was under a large mosquito net and covered in mosi-guard. and i am on Malaria tablets too. DETERMINED TO NOT DO A CHERYL COLE!! ;) We will head off to the festival in an hour or so. Keep checking for up to date texted-updates. xx

Ps: have 'attempted' to put some more pics here:

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