Tuesday 7 September 2010

This weekend.. it's Bestival!

Hey hey hey! I am getting very excited about this weekend's Festival - Bestival!
Bestival creator Rob Da Bank was one of the judges on the panel on my assessment day for getting this job - so am excited to see what kind of an event he has created! On top of that, I have a load of friends going - as well as this weekend's winners - so it's going to be a blast.
Only problem - it's fancy dress. The theme is 'Fantasy' which is pretty broad - and I reckon people will go as a whole heap of different things. However, I need an outfit that is distinctive, colourful, fun, easy to carry, warm and waterproof. Not asking for much am I? ;)
All ideas welcome. Reply to me on Twitter at - @KatieParsons.

Thank you!

Ps: here is me as a wizard many years ago.

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