Saturday 5 June 2010


Woooo hoo! Week 2 is well under way! I arrived in Mallorca this morning at 9am (following a hard 3am wake-up for flight) and spent the morning hanging out with my friend Howard who moved here a few months ago from England.

He works as a graphic designer here and has a very cool boss who let us go and use his speed boat to blast around the sea for a few hours.

Following that, I had some grub and have just met up with this week's winners Adam and Tom, who are brothers. They've flown in from the East Midlands today. Adam is an accountant and his younger brother is an electrician. They have good taste in music - we've already discussed Beatles, The Kinks and Billy Talent - and they're looking forward to tomorrow night's gig at our hotel.

Tom has actually been to Mallorca before, so will hopefully remember some cool places to check out tonight in Magaloof.
Rumour has it that tv legend Pat Sharpe runs a bar out here, and we three have already decided this is a must-find destination.

Anyhoo... We're now off to the hotel to check in and get ready for a fun evening ahead. Will keep you all posted.

Here's a pic of me and the boat earlier and a snap of me discovering palma town.

Katie xx

Posted by Katie P

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